Global Warming Is Wrong

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Humans need to change their way of life. We are destroying our Earth at such a fast rate and we do not get another chance once it is gone. Everyone believes that someone else is going to save them, when in reality you are the only person to count on. Most people do not realize the urgency of this problem. To this day, some people do not believe that global warming is happening even though the glaciers are melting, average temperatures are rising and many other occurrences are happening. Naomi Klein says in her book, This Changes Everything, “We deny because we fear that letting in the full reality of this crisis will change everything. And we are right” (Klein 3). As a world, we take complete advantage of our Earth. I believe the first step …show more content…

Some people believe all the facts shared and try to help slightly on their own, but others pretend nothing is wrong with the way we live. Having a president for the United States that does not believe in global warming either makes it much harder to make a change. Citizens may think that if someone with such an authority as our president does not think it is an issue, why should they care. It is a major issue though that they just keep shoving under the rug, so people will not notice. “It is a civilization wake-up call. A powerful message--spoken in the language of fires, floods, droughts, and extinctions--tellings us that we need an entirely new economic model and a new way of sharing this planet. Telling us that we need to evolve” (Klein 25). The government needs to take action and help make it known. It is one of the biggest groups on our country that can work together to make a change happen by starting to speak up about the issue at hand and begin to deal with it. It is not only the US, but some country, group or even person needs to stand a stand soon. The mindset of our world and the way we treat it needs to …show more content…

Currently, there are some, but not many limitations on how we treat our land. People can litter as much as they would like, they can exhaust unlimited amounts of carbon dioxide and continue to develop on our fertile land until we have none left to harvest on. “An ethic, ecologically, is a limitation on freedom of action in the struggle for existence” (Leopold 238). Our Earth is currently struggling for existence and we now need to create a land ethic to help it survive. No one wants to have rules about how they must live their life, but since we as a world can not respect our land enough to take care of it, it is an action that must be

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