Global Warming is a Lie

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Imagine a world under 2 feet of water and in total chaos. Then throw in almost biblical floods, Fissures in the earth that can be seen from space, and Tornadoes that could uplift even the biggest buildings. This is what Al Gore wants you to think. These statements are completely and utterly false. These accusations upon the people of the U.S. are not true and must be silenced.

The opposing party would like you to believe that the scientists are 90% certain that extreme heat periods will increase worldwide. They say that this is causing increased danger of wildfires, human deaths, and algal blooms. This of course is utterly false on many different levels. These scientists that the opposing party was actually paying a select group of scientists to testify for them meaning the “90% of Scientists” were actually lying because they were being paid off. The real majority agreed against these paid scientists, but they were not included in the vote for agreement in this statistic. These statistics are not nearly as dire as described because they won’t happen. This is because the CO2 emissions are no where near to where they are portrayed in the Al Gore video.

They say that warmer waters will increase the power of tropical storms such as hurricanes and typhoons. Again the statistics given are made by a select group of notoriously bias paid scientists. Meaning the waters won’t get warmer. The waters get warmer every year because of the natural warming and cooling of the earth’s environment. This is the way that the earth works because of the shape and rotation of the earth around the sun. Added on to that is the fact that the storms that have been forming nowadays have been the same size as always just in new locations. This is just one e...

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