Global Institutions: The Success And Aspects Of Globalization

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Writing Assignment #1 The outreach of globalization has reached unprecedented proportions. The 21st century has been marked by epochal changes in the global community that have revolutionized interactions among nations. Now more than ever, the relations among nation-states from across the globe are dually growing in complexity and becoming increasingly intertwined. Globalization, due to its expansive nature in scope, though, poses an insurmountably difficult challenge to produce a specific, yet holistic definition that encompasses the total breadth of this process. In response, scholars from the various fields define globalization subjectively- best equating the term with the matter at hand. Aspects of globalization such as the time it originated …show more content…

Moreover, the author primarily examines globalization in the modern era, examining both the success and failures of globalization after the implementation the following global organizations: the IMF, the World Bank, and the WTO. Like the previous definitions, Stiglitz attributes globalization to world trade; however, he also places special emphasis on the power globalization has on enacting societal change. He accomplishes this by presenting several examples of how globalization has shaped communities around the world, both positively and negatively. Ultimately however, he notes that globalization is inherently neutral- the type of change globalization has on society is a result of the agents that spur it. In context, Stilgitz definition proves to be rather effective as he relates the growing interactions among nations as primarily economic- the diffusion of culture and change to society is a by product of economic interactions. Though the definition is narrow, Stiglitz focuses on intergovernmental organizations that deal primarily with economic affairs. Thus, though the definition does not encompass other aspects of globalization it successfully achieves its

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