The Pros And Cons Of Globalization

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Globalization, a term that has an ever-changing definition. It is defined as “transcontinental-or interregional flows and networks of activity, interactions, and the exercise of power” by some, while it is the “widespread recognition of a world wide human or of world society as a whole as the framework of action” to others (Larner, 497). Globalization is ambiguous because it is used to describe an all encompassing practice. When thinking of globalization, the images that come to mind will vary based on one’s interpretation of the word. In this focus group we attempted to understand this powerful term and dissect what comes along with the practice of globalization. When thinking about globalization, there are two main views that are often …show more content…

Trading is no longer limited; it is not nation bound. Markets open up around the world because of globalization. It will keep a businesses running, as they will spread themselves to new countries. From there they will gain new markets to sell to and partners to trade with. The world opens up with the help of globalization. It allows you to reach places that seemed so far away before. There are now ways to communicate with others around the country. This is possible because of new technology and practices. Trading can be done easily with countries on the other side of the world because of their decisions to …show more content…

Instead of globalization could reduce poverty, from people round the world gaining wealth, the modern process of globalization is exacerbating inequality. Globalization could be seen as a new form of colonialism. The companies may be going in and stepping on the cultures and peoples of the area they are trying to extend their global reach to. Globalization brings wealth, but where there is great wealth, there is also great poverty. Globalization can lead to poverty because the rich are exploiting the poor around the world. Because of the workings of their operations, it is hard to hold the corporations accountable for the effects that their business has on those in poverty. With the influence of globalization, people can buy goods for a lower amount. But these goods are in fact coming at a higher cost. The effects that companies have on the environment, along with the minimal pay given to the people working in factories around the world, are the cost of making items at such a low

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