Glass Menagerie Movie Vs Play

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The Glass Menagerie is an amazing and memorable play. Its action of memories is drawn from the narrator, Tom Wingfield. Tom, who is also known as a character in the play. The play and movie give their own concept of the story which can be seen through the eyes and create an image in our minds. But the real question is “Is there really a big difference between the play and the movie?” that's something only a person who has experienced it both can figure out. I found the play better written and provided us with a better understanding of the key elements. It was easier to recognize the symbolism being used in the production. Although the setting was the same and most of the scenes took place in the apartment of the Wingfield. The apartment is …show more content…

In the play, the light dimly lit to reflect on memory but in the movie it was just regular. With having regular light, it creates a mood of no seriousness and can cause the loss of attention of the audience, compared to having the light dime can create a smoky, longing or waiting type of a mood. As for the sound, Music was found almost everywhere in the book. Also because the story was based on a person’s memory. The music would reflect on what was going on in the scene, with it being played in the background. At the beginning of both, the play and movie Tom says “In memory, everything seems to happen to music”. There is only music in some selected part of the movie even if he had stated that in …show more content…

To show how the characters may actually be. We all that play can be very different than an actual movie, not everything has to be so real and can be full of exaggeration or it can go the other way such as Amanda because she seemed to be really annoying in the movie compared to the book because they exaggerated on her to show her from such a perspective. To add on I always agree with the perspective of Amanda, Laura and Tom are haunted and not happy because of their memories. I think this because memories can hold you back make you overthink about stuff. Which creates them to be

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