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Gillette Indonesia - Case Study
1. Current Situation and Trends
1.1. Market
1.1.1 Definition, Size and Growth
Broad - Personal Grooming Products
Narrow - Shavers, including double-edged blades, disposables, and “systems” blades
Gillette expects to sell 108m units of double-edged blades, 10m units of disposables and
18m units of systems blades. Gillette’s market share is expected to be 50% in 1996, so
there is an existing market of double-edged blades of 116m.
The >$10k income bracket has grown by 30%, the $5k-$10k bracket by 15% and the $2k-
$5k bracket by 3%. The only bracket to reduce in size is the <$2k bracket, decreasing by
15%. Also the incidence of shaving is increasing, and lacks far behind that of Hong Kong.
This evidence suggests that the shaving market is in the early stages of growth on the
Product Life Cycle.
1.1.2 Structure
Rivalry - Low
Gillette’s market share is expected to reach 50% in 1996. Having such a strong monopoly
results in a high concentration ratio, signifying low rivalry.
Threat of Substitutes - High, moving to Med/High
There is a strong threat of substitutes coming from the use of wet or dry knives, however
as Indonesia becomes more westernised this is expected to decrease.
Buyer Power - Low
As Gillette has such a large portion of the market, buyer power is comparably low.
Supplier Power - Medium/High
As a result of financial constraints from buyers, Gillette is limited in what they are able to
charge, moderating their power within the market.
Threat of New Entrants - High
The market being...
... middle of paper ...
... elements of the
marketing mix remain the same.
However, doing so leaves Gillette Indonesia vulnerable to the threats outlined in the above
SWOT analysis.
6. Recommended Strategy
As “5.1 Cut Costs & Reduce Prices” results in both increased profits and increased market
share, it is the alternative that is suggested.
It should be noted that the success of this alternative is dependant on the assumption that
the lack of growth experienced by Gillette was primarily caused by the increase in price,
and not be another factor. Fortunately the alternative suggested is not drastic, so its
benchmarking and control can be performed in an environment with reduced risk.
This alternative also involves the reduction of costs, the details of which have not been
outlined in this report, but will need to be executed to ensure the increased profitability of
the alternative.
A price skimming strategy is recommended for Genicone for Brazilian market to minimize the payback time investment and to thwart other foreign players from entering the market. Market entry mode for Genicon should be licensing or joint venture rather than exporting. This is because licensing and joint venture provides much more control of the operations which is essential in healthcare equipment industry. A global product strategy should be adopted because international standards are similar for surgical instruments. Marketing strategy should be sales promotion for Genicon because this industry is characterized by push-factors of distribution channel, rather than pull-factors of demand. It is anticipated that Genicon will be able to capture a significant market share in a short period of time by following above mentioned strategies and tactics.
UST Inc. is a smokeless tobacco company with a long tradition and a recognizable brand name. A strong brand name can have lots of associations with high quality, revenues, soundness, growth, etc. But, this is one of the characteristics that can be like two edged sward. On one side, company with long tradition is expected to to operate in a stable and prosperous way as it always did, but on the other side, company itself can get too self confident and fail to see the newcomers and other threats. UST has ignored newcomers, and now they all have a growing market shares, while only UST Inc. total share, consequently, decreases. Smaller players are expanding their market share primarily by cutting prices, something that UST ignored. UST Inc. decided to fight competition not by decreasing prices, but with overstretching it product lines. However, this might not be the best solution. As the main player in the market, they had the better position to take on and win in the price war. If UST Inc. had been able to take this step, competitors probably would not be able to follow the price decrease imposed by the UST Inc and at least some of them would be shut down. So as one of the biggest drawbacks of UST's policy can be slow reaction to new market conditions and worse of all when they react the reaction is inappropriate.
The Clorox Company purchased Kingsford in 1973. Kingsford became one of the largest product groups within Clorox’s portfolio by 2000. Charcoal also represented a large percentage of Clorox’s revenues and net income. Therefore, a change in growth of the charcoal market would have a significant direct impact on Clorox’s annual sales and net earnings. Since the 1980’s Kingsford enjoyed growth in revenues ranging from a 1-3% increase each year. The charcoal industry had also experienced a steady growth as a whole. However, during the summer of 2000 charcoal sales declined and Kingsford’s summer results were projected to be below target. Clorox must now rely on Kingsford’s improvements in sales and profits to re-establish the company’s growth objectives. The two brand managers Marcilie Smith Boyle and Allison Warren will be challenged with determining the causes of decline, the impact of altering Kingsford’s current pricing, advertising, promotion, and production methods, and developing recommendations to increase profits.
Each division has its own brand management, sales, finance, product development and operations line management and was evaluated as a profit center.
Growth in both of these areas is due to innovations and new technology in the non-disposable razor market. Additionally, the non-disposable razor industry as a whole has experienced substantial growth over the last decade. This growth may also be attributed to innovations. New technology in the super-premium segment of the market pushed the growth, which is seen in the speeding up of the razor replacement cycle that is due to the desire and search for new products. The Clean Edge product itself does well in following these trends, providing a major technological change from their previous products. Combating both the issues cannibalization and competition will be done through the choice of positioning.
Proctor & Gamble will introduce the new Bounty Toilet Paper during the first week of December 1999. This brand of toilet paper will take the already established idea used with Bounty Paper Towels, and modify to the toilet paper world. Bounty has always stressed the idea of taking the least amount of the product, but still getting the job done while at same time consisting of a strong durability. Never before has such attributes of durability and effectiveness been used in a toilet paper brand, therefore P&G hopes to establish Bounty Toilet Paper as a leader in the industry.
· Expensive- the price is very high so the product is not likely to be bought on the whim
Proctor & Gamble Company believed in investing heavily in their research and development. Proctor and Ga...
Threat of substitutes in market as best quality is not always a priority for some customers as they are price sensitive.
Reducing risk ; reducing the quantity of manufactured so that reducing burden of stock and burden of frequent discount sales
Colgate is a high ranked oral hygiene company that produces toothpastes, mouthwashes, toothbrushes and dental floss that was founded in 1807 by William Colgate in New York City. In 1820, Colgate built their first starch factory in New Jersey. Years later, in 1857, the founder William Colgate death resulted in the company being passed down to his son Samuel Colgate. In 1864, Colgate collaborated with B.J. Johnson who founded the Palmolive Company. The Colgate-Palmolive Company began having much success in the late 1800’s with all of their new products such as hand soaps and the many different appearances of toothpaste from glass jars to collapsible tubes. In 1900, Colgate won top honors in Paris at the World’s Fair for their soaps and perfumes. Colgate was very successful internationally that they came established in Europe, Canada, Asia, Latin America, and Africa. After so many accomplishments internationally and locally, “Colgate-Palmolive Company” was officially the company’s name in 1953. By the late 1900’s, Colgate sold over 1.6 million toothbrushes annually and was serving over 56 countries and hits the $5 billion mark in sales. The company began initiating an Oral Care program after collaborating up Kolynos in Latin America. The oral care program, which is called Bright Smiles, Bright Futures that is established to 50 countries and serves over 50 million children a year. Today, the CEO of Colgate is Ian M. Cook & Colgate’s focuses are Oral Care, Personal Care, Pet Nutrition, and Home Care and provides in over 200 countries and have numerous awards including 2013 World’s Most Ethical Companies from Ethisphere Magazine. In my research, based on preliminary information, I will find evidence that will attempt to pro...
The market is not ready yet for more product lines even though the economy is growing because the purchasing power is not that strong compared with the ones in South America. Therefore there is not yet profit to gain by di...
This decision will leave P&G with roughly 70 brands that account for 90% of its $83 billion in annual sales and over 95% of its profit (Ng, 2013). By cutting down on the number brands they have, P&G will be able to invest more in the products they know are performing at a high level. When asked about this decision and its effect on the company’s size, Former CEO A.G. Lafley responded saying, "I 'm not interested in size at all, I 'm interested in whether we are the preferred choice of shoppers (Ng, 2013)." With this plan in motion, P&G can put more effort into growing the brands that their consumers know and trust, and they can continue to build their potential
respectively. At the end of 1993, the total labour supply is 2 970 000. Change
32% of the consumers told that while buying toothbrushes, sellers in_luence them to buy a specific type of toothbrushes.