Believing in the Paranormal

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A ghost, according to the article “History of Ghosts” on, is a person's spirit once it has separated itself from the body after death. Also known as specters, ghosts continue existing even after the heart stops and the corpse is cold, and they fall under the category of paranormal phenomena. When something is considered paranormal, it simply means that science has no explanation for it. So if science can't explain it, it can't be real, right? Not necessarily. It just means that it hasn't been proven a fact, it's all in theory. But Jack Porter makes a valid point in his article, “The Study of Paranormal Phenomenon is a Legitimate Science”, when he says, “It is important to remember the Big Bang is a theory, but that is still considered science.” Some of the earliest reports of paranormal phenomenon occurred in the first century A.D. Roman author and statesman Pliny the Younger wrote about an encounter he had with a ghost in one of his famous letters. He stated that an elderly man with a beard and rattling chains had been haunting his home in the Athens. ( In Germany, the first poltergeist was reported in 856 A.D. A poltergeist being a ghost that causes disturbances; making noises and moving objects about. This particular poltergeist tormented the family living in the large farmhouse by throwing stones and starting fires, among various other acts. ( One of America's most famous hauntings is believed to be that of the Bell Witch. The paranormal activities took place on American land now know as Adams, Tennessee. In 1817 1 when John Bell was working in his cornfields, he claimed to have seen an animal figure, o... ... middle of paper ... ...s have even used special equipment to detect certain electrical activity in haunted areas. Adding to that, there are also several stories of hauntings all around the world, and although these claims are based on hearsay, we should come to understand that even though hearsay isn't always reliable, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is unreliable and is considered evidence in societal factors depending on various factors. “The amount of anecdotal evidence is also relevant because the higher the number and the more credible the witnesses, the stronger the evidence.” (Wu) [There is a great possibility that ghosts do exist and nobody should be so quick to deny the idea. Simply because it hasn't been proven to every skeptic's liking is no good reason to say it isn't true. Open minds are the key to discovery. So, just as long as we remember that, nothing is impossible.]

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