Ghetto Black America

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First I want to speak in unambiguous and unequivocal terms: I repudiate all the rappers promoting failure through their rhymes about selling drugs, abusing women, and abandoning their responsibilities as men. You are all lost and a shame upon our people. Your values are decrepit; your values are out of sync with the norms of society. It amazes me how you promote a lifestyle that only leads to incarceration, broken families, and mass ignorance yet the youth still gravitates towards your message like it's the blue print to success. A lot of our men are a shadow of what they should be. A lot our men have failed their women, failed their daughters, failed their sons and most importantly failed themselves. Not all black men are walking zombies with dicks but at times it seems that good black men are outnumbered by these buffoons. What of the black woman who gives birth to multiple children with different fathers? She has been an accessory to a culture of "baby mammas," child support experts, and extreme mismanagement of money. Black men who are noble and becoming of kings you must wrestle the reigns of your people from the lost, if you won't we will continue to succeed as individuals but fail as a people. They can do you know harm, they aren't as smart as you, nor do they live longer than you. I do not jettison teaching and educating but we are in a perilous state in which we might not have time for niceties. Black men in America are two moves away from being checkmated and when our women abandon us en mass then the final piece will be played. The white man is not to blame, our fate always was, always is and always will be in our own hands. One day, I do not know the exact minute or the hour, we stop being lions, we stop being the ligh... ... middle of paper ... ...lues of Black America seem to be coming from the group less likely to foster healthy values: ghetto Black America. One must understand my usage of "ghetto Black Americans" in contrast to lower class Black Americans. You have poor people who work hard every day and still find it hard to make ends meet, they aspire for more, they want their kids to have more and they still instill values of respect and hard work in their children. Ghetto Black America is the total opposite, it is not just an economic status but a culture replete with its own lingo, values and propaganda: rap. Several rappers estow the values of that culture by promoting ignorance, eschewing education, misygony, and constant usage of terms like "baby mama" that epitomize the destruction of the black family. It is so pervasive that terms like 'baby mammas" have become every day words in our vocabulary.

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