Getups By Maya Angelou Summary

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Maya Angelou, in her essay Getups, wrote about being true to herself. She writes about how the colorful clothes that she buys make her feel; how fashion is not about how you look but how you feel. By wearing bright, colorful clothing, she expresses who she is and what makes her happy. The theme is to be true to who you are. This theme is very relatable to an audience; they can connect to it. When I was six years old, I was in love with plaid. No matter what color, what strip pattern, to me they all matched. As I selected my purple plaid pants, red plaid shoes, and green plaid shirt, my mom told me “you know that doesn’t match, right?”. I nodded my head and said, “I don’t care”. Plaid clothing made me happy and was my way of expressing

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