Genital Herpes

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This was extremely interesting to me because it sexually transmitted dieses have affect my life. My best friend was diagnosed with having genital herpes. Not truly understanding what it was, I helped her through it and learned slowly more about it. The section on genital herpes was even more educational for me so I can continue to help her. Genital herpes are small, red blisters that appear in the genital region. They are extremely painful and can sometimes even break open. There is no cure for genital herpes but there are many medications out there to help suppress the outbreaks.
On a day-to-day basis, I never even though about any sort of STD. I see commercials for Valtrex on the television all the time and never thought anything of it. Valtrex is a medication to help suppress genital herpes. Now when watching that commercial, I understand more about it. Everything is so different now that the virus has affected me in my life.
A long time boyfriend, who is also the father of her two sons, infected my best friend. I always thought that sexually transmitted dieses only affected the people who sleep around. My best friend has never slept around and yet she is still infected with this virus. There were no lesions present at the time she was infected so she never thought this could happen to her. Genital herpes is highly contagious and is now found that can be passed even though there are no lesions present.
Genital herpes have an incubation period of two to fourteen days and symptoms remain present for up to twenty days. Women’s areas that are most effected are the labia, the clitoris, the vaginal opening, the inner vaginal walls, and the cervix. In men, the most common area is the glans or the shaft of the penis. Although it is possible to get genital herpes in or around the penis with men or women who engaged in anal intercourse, it is not very common. Basically what genital herpes are is very painful puss filled sores that become wet and even more painful. These puss filled sores then form a red ring around them. Health practitioners refer to this as “viral shedding.”
There are certain helpful hints that are given in this book to provide relief from a very discomforting pain.
1. Keeping herpes blisters clean and dry will lessen the probability of secondary infections, significantly shorten the period of viral shedding, and reduce the total time of lesion healing.

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