General Surgeon Research Paper

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General Surgeon As a kid I always wanted to be a doctor but I never knew what type. Now that I am older I am really interested in becoming a general surgeon. General Surgeons perform operations to treat or prevent diseases, repair damage caused by injuries, correct deformities, and improve the functions of the human body. In order for me to become a general surgeon there are some skills that I need to have like working well under pressure, solving problems quickly, and working well as part of a team. Some people might think that if you are a doctor that there are no negative parts to your job because you are constantly helping people in need, but that is not true because there are pros and cons to every job. For example saving someone's …show more content…

Plastic Surgeons average pay every year is around $273,000. I want to become a plastic surgeon not because of the money but because I would like to help poor people who can not afford surgeries that they need to improve their quality of life. Plastic Surgeons are surgeons that focus on repairing defects to reconstruct a normal function and appearance. Some skills that plastic surgeons need to have are time management skills, instructing, monitoring, active listening, speaking and so much more. The benefits of being a plastic surgeon is that you can help people who really need help. The challenge that comes with becoming and being a plastic surgeon is the difficulty. Becoming a plastic surgeon is difficult because of the massive amounts of studying and …show more content…

A typical day as a plastic surgeon consists of performing surgeries, seeing new patients, and following up with existing patients. Plastic Surgeons have a lot of responsibilities and have to stay organized to make sure they are doing their job right because if not they could get fired or sued for not performing a proper surgery.
Plastic Surgeons go to school for ten years like most doctors. As if the ten years of school are not enough the residency for plastic surgeons is around six years. Most of the information for plastic surgeons is the same for OB/GYNs and General Surgeons since they are all doctors. The amount of school, the order of each degree, and the fact that they have to take the MCAT are all the things that they have in common.
Between the three the residencies differ. For plastic surgeons it is around six years. The majors are also another difference between the doctors. For plastic surgeons some of the majors that are required are chemistry, biology, and physics. Majoring in chemistry guarantees that the two years of college chemistry requirement for medical school will be passed. Biology provides all of the knowledge needed for students to become physicians, surgeons, dentists, etc. Physics is the science that tries to understand the laws of nature and the relationship between energy and

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