Gender Stereotypes In Sports

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Broken Opportunities
This generation stereotypes females to be not as skilled as males in playing sports. Almost half people think that girls should not be capable of playing or joining boys’ sports teams. Based on a CNN Report, “A significant percentage of both women and men said men are better at sports, with 32% of women feeling that way and 47% of men, the poll found” (Wallace). Then why is it hard to accept the fact that females are able to play sports or even join male’s sports teams? Or in the misinterpreted opinions based on traditions of our ancestors of our generation that is supposed to be of ‘open-mindedness' and acceptance? The controversial topic of women playing with men in sports is a worthy for numerous reasons, and not because …show more content…

However, there are female athletes who are more successful than male athletes (Biography Editors). An example is the soccer national forward Alex Morgan. She is an American national team soccer. Her skill and dedication to the game allowed the United States to excel in the sport worldwide, increasing the popularity of the sport around women mainly. Her popularity gives the upper hand to women in joining the sport and being equal to men. So people in general should applaud women for their recent achievement of proving that they are not any less than men. Why should women be treated in a less professional manner due to them being females? Inequality is not right in any religion. Therefore, women should be given the same opportunities and chances as men, so they could rise up and be like their fellow female athlete Alex Morgan, a professional soccer player or any sport in that matter. "There seems to be a greater push for girls and women to be taken seriously in sports." (Wallace) which is great to know. The common belief of thinking that women are weaker and different should change. Women are equals to men and should not be treated any …show more content…

However, a common counterpoint is that girls and boys vary in strengths and capabilities due to their body ability; so, no it won’t be fair to put them in the same team. Girls are less aggressive on their movements and some sports need that. Moreover, men can bare extreme pain and can go under high pressure, and they would not breakout due to the fear of ruining their persona. Women are most likely a good contribution in some cases, while at other times it is best if they do not interfere. A common belief is that men are naturally physically tougher than women, which is partially true based on Department of Physical Education “The men were also stronger relative to lean body mass” (Miller). As well, aggressive behavior shouldn’t be tolerated in any circumstances, so the fear of hurting women should be eliminated. Adding women to men sports could fix their problem of being too aggressive, which makes the game “clean play”, and more enjoyable to watch and play. This addition is more beneficial than what is thought otherwise as Larkin said “Once sports are recognized as a birthright for both genders, the rest will fall into place,”

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