Gender Inequality Essay

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Iron Out the Past
Gender inequality has become a social issue in the U.S and had been discussed multiple times. The social issue of men and women all have different roles in lives. There have traditional roles been ways of what both gender should do, but there will be criticism when they have cross the line. Therefore, gender inequality is already socially constructed in the past and this problem still happens now. There are huge pay gap between both gender and males will always get pay more than females even if they are in the same position. Moreover, traditional gender roles have established from the past till now, but this problems still happen right now and we need to solve it. Furthermore, there are too many advertisements on women showing
People are able to watch many of sexy girls showed up on their television screen since the media has became more and more popular. Furthermore, commercial advertising company would put some used the girl 's’ body and their sexuality to perform the violent behavior and make them wear really less to almost nothing covers their body. This creates the gender inequality males will thinks it is alright to abused the women when advertisement is doing it. Since, females need more respects from males, but the advertisement on T.V or the media are not helping to solved the gender inequality issues. In the auricle “Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt” by Jean Kilbourne states, “Male violence is subtly encouraged by ads that encourage men to be forceful and dominant, and to value sexual intimacy more than emotional intimacy” (422). Kilbourne argues that those advertisements make men think it is fine to dominate a girl like the commercial showed in T.V or in public. This problems of using the female’s body will makes women viewed as an object and put them in danger. These advertisements is encouraging women or young girls to become coquettish and act like teasing farther promote sexually commercial which cause sexual harassment and violence. These kinds of commercial that exist in this society is obviously unfair to females and it will exacerbated gender inequality issue. Therefore, the
From the place that I lived before, which it is China with a huge population; however, there is a huge gender inequality problems. Also, I felt like it is worst than the U.S and people in China refused to produced girl baby and they also pushed female to keep producing baby until they finally have a male one. People in China are believe male to have more valuable than female due to males last name could passed down as the family heirs. Moreover, it is hard for females to solve the gender inequality issues on the place I once lived before as a child. Therefore, even though different genders treated differently in certain society and it is difficult to transform people’s thought in my hometown of traditional roles can’t be

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