Similarities Between The Lottery And Harrison Bergeron

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Equality is something that most people want and need in society. Equality is a state in which every single human being is treated the same no matter what skin color, religion, gender, or what race they are. The Lottery, Harrison Bergeron, and All Summer in a Day are short stories based on equality. Equality is unfair in each story, and it is showing that there can be a dark side to equality if it is taken too far.

The first story The Lottery takes place at town square on June 27th. Every woman, man,and child are gathered in town square and surrounded by stones. The lottery is a tradition that everyone participates in, and other villages decided to no longer have the lottery. If any family is called out in the lottery, then they accept what their prize is. Tessie Hutchinson (the main character, mother, and wife) is the winner of the lottery, but she is stoned to death. “A stone hit her on the side of her head. Old man wanner was saying ‘come on , come on, everyone’. Steve Adams was in front of the crowd of villagers, with …show more content…

Equality is fully achieved, and everyone is the same as one another. “Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else.” as quoted from Kurt Vonnegut. If anyone was a genius then they would have to be handicapped just like George (a character and father), but no one would have to wear one if they were average. Harrison (the main character) was taken away from his father George and his mother Hazel, who is simply just average. The handicap prevents above average people to have educated thoughts develop in their mind. When Harrison breaks out of prison he declares himself as emperor and that it would be best for the people to join him to take down the government. Harrison gets shot by Diana Moon Glampers while he was dancing with a ballerina who wanted to escape their current

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