Geert Hofstede's Influence On Culture And Culture

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In life and academia, we try to understand behavioral patterns of people by categorizing, studying, and then grouping in effort to better collaborate. We see this application in assessments like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), where Jung’s theory suggests that there is more to the seeming randomness, which makes up human personality preferences, tendencies, or desires. Professor Geert Hofsteder does the same thing with culture and leadership in order to improve not only collaboration but also understanding.
Scientific Perspective
Although he made a comprehensive attempt at how workplace values are influenced by culture, there is much heated debate around the study. “The debate may not have been so fierce had the GLOBE authors not …show more content…

If he were to be categorized into one of Hofstede’s six dimensions, although his society was a High Power Distance culture, Mandela would most likely operate as a low power distance persona wanting to align it amongst the people. Evidence shows that there was inadequate distribution of power in South Africa and he fought to bring equality of power and treatment of all South African citizens. Based upon that information, a Low Power Distance is half of the combination necessary to make a most effective leader. Collectivism is the other half of the dimension necessary to make the most effective leader. In thinking of Mandela, his mindset was definitely of collectivism in his believe that he was one the people; apart of the whole, finally he identified not only with the people of his country but also the people of his tribe, which is fundamental in tribal cultures. Historically, leaders of hierarchical cultures have not seen the popularity or trust amongst the people that low power distance leaders have experienced. Great leaders, in political positions or within organizations must be able to view themselves as part of the greater collective in order to lead successfully and effectively as possible in my

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