Gareth Morgan's Contribution To Organization Theory

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Gareth Morgan, Fredrick Taylor and Mary Parker Follett are three individuals whose ideas have contributed to organization theory. Some of their methods are very different, and some of their methods are similar to each other. Many of the methods discussed in this paper are still used in businesses today. Images of Organization discuss Gareth Morgan’s ideas on how organizations should run. He does not believe there is such thing as a perfect organization, but offers ideas on how organizations should run. Morgan believes that organizations should be run like a machine. This means an organization are structured to achieve the results that are put in place. Gareth Morgan believes in eight metaphors to help explain how organizations are run. …show more content…

Organizations are living things that exist in an environment that they depend on for satisfaction. Animals adapt to certain environments, and the same goes for organizations. They will adapt to the environment that they work best in. He also discusses that employees are people with needs that must be satisfied to perform effectively in the work place. Employees will work best when they know that they will be rewarded for the task they are performing. An organization as a brain is the third metaphor Morgan used to explain organizations. Looking at organizations as a brain, because managers make decisions by processing information, and applying it to the work place. They are able to process information to develop polices as well as plans for the organization. Looking at organizations as a culture is Gareth Morgan’s next approach. This is where organizations focus on values, beliefs, norms, and rituals. Working for organizations is where most people spend a majority of their time. Organizations become a culture because so many people base their life around their work. He believes that you can go into a office in any country, and it will all be the same culture. This is because organizations all share the same industrial …show more content…

She believed in dynamic administration, and getting things done through the people. She wanted the managers and the employees to fully collaborate together. This means that leadership is not just giving orders, and expecting them to be followed. The leader must explain to the employee the purpose of the organization, and create ways to coordinate actives in the organization. She believed in three steps to giving orders. First she believed in the conscious attitude. This meant that people could imply context, and then know how to act appropriately. The second is a responsible attitude. This deals with the ethical behavior, and how people giving orders will react based on their individual preference. The third step is an experimental attitude. This was viewed as a test phase to find the best circumstance to issue an order. Mary Parker Follett believed that those in charge should base their decisions and orders on what was right for the entire organization. Basing your decision on the entire organization ensures that you are not just doing something that will only benefit you. The leaders main goal is to provide understanding for all of the members of an organization. This allows everyone in an organization to make cognitive choices that will be shared with everyone involved, and help better the

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