Gambling Addiction By Mara Tyler

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Is Gambling a Risk? There’s no easy way to define what a risk is, since it’s a very general term that has negative social construction attached to it. The word risk can be used to define any series of words or ideas and that’s when the word risk really begins to shine. Risk is a word that pulls on the string that hold up the neural pathways in our brain in which these everyday pathways define who we are. Risk is that voice in the back of your head that is whispering to you on what any of possible possibilities may happen to you when you really want to do something, or buy something, or even begin to even think about something. Then, there's the feeling of outrage that follows, sometimes it is minimal and other times it's gone completely nuclear …show more content…

According to the article Gambling Addiction by Mara Tyler from the website Healthline, where she gives a quick insight to what causes gambling addiction. Tyler describes an overactive region of the brain called the insula, which would cause distortion to the thought process of the brain at random times while the person may be betting/gambling. She compares the risk of gambling to a drinker who enjoys a drink, presuming that she means a hard-alcoholic drink and not a soft drink like soda or she could possibly be referring to some Georgia peach sweet tea. This can be compared to the tendencies of self-sabotage. When your gut is telling you that you shouldn’t do, but your mind, body, and soul tell you that you should do because it provides a sweet release to what personal hell or torment you have placed yourself in. I know that I’ve done it and it is a deep hole to come out of when self-sabotaging for it doesn’t just stop at one when wanting to escape, even if it’s for a little …show more content…

Nordqvist gives another point of view about gambling saying, “Many people who develop a gambling addiction are considered responsible and dependable people.” It might be possible that the risk of gambling may have different types of personality traits that may cause someone who has an addiction look and act like they are an everyday average joe. Returning to the where there is one and another is soon to follow, Nordqvist says that addicts can develop other risks like taking in a vast amount of alcohol, doing drugs, or possibly doing both as they are feeding their gambling addiction. These actions are done to combat the negative effect that that gambler may be feeling when he or she begins to exhibit negative feelings about gambling since they have the possibility of being predisposition to develop these second risks (Nordqvist) that would jeopardize their physical and mental well-being. Furthermore, there are also people who have a higher chance of developing a gambling problem. Nordqvist describes a list of people who can develop the addiction. He describes how age factors into the addiction stating that is common among younger and middle-aged people. Also, biological sex also factors in stating that males have a higher chance of developing the addiction than women. Of course, there are drugs that are both legal and illegal, but he continues that the cause is closer to home stating that a family member or friends who already

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