Gabriela Mistral Research Paper

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Gabriela Mistral Gabriela Mistral was an extraordinary poet who accomplished many things in her lifetime. “She was one of the best-known Latin American poet of her time, she was admiringly known all over the Hispanic world” (Tolsen). “Tiny Feet” and “Rocking” are some of many poems that Mistral is known for. Today she is still remembered for her powerful and moving words. Especially the poems about motherhood and loss.
Born in the year of 1889 and died in 1957, she lived most of her life in Chile (Kinsella). Mistral had a very happy childhood (Lindstrom). During her childhood, Mistral learned to love and enjoy nature (Tolsen). When she was young, Gabriela was accused of stealing school materials when she was in primary school. After she was accused, it was a challenge for her to be accepted into a school but, Mistral was determined to get an education. She wanted to pursue a teaching career. In 1910 she received a teaching certification even though she had not followed a regular course of studies. Before long, she was academically well prepared and ready to become an educator (Tolson). When she became a teacher, she fell in love with a rural man. The man committed suicide and this caused Mistral an enormous amount of pain and grief (Bois). …show more content…

She stressed over all of these topics in her poems. Many other of Gabriela Mistral's are dedicated to the safety of children, especially the children in Chile (Bois). A reason why she did this was because she wasn't able to have her own. Mistral's spouse died before they could have children of their own. Mistral also focused on the topic of women's rights and equality in the world and how important it was for the world to have it

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