GMO Argumentative Essay

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Genetically modified foods are foods that have been altered by the insertion of a different species of plant in order to produce a desired characteristic or trait. GMOs allow foods to have characteristics that produce benefits, such as a tomato being resistant to insects. GMOs are safe for human consumption, and lots of times they are made to benefit a factor in human consumption. Technically speaking, GMO’s could solve world hunger, but the way that GMO’s are used causes me to believe that GMOs will not solve world hunger because they are not used in that term. GMO’s are more geared towards helping farmers to improve and secure the safety of their crops, or add nutritional content. GMO’s could make food last longer and that could be beneficial to trying to stop world hunger, but the problem is not that we don't have the quantity. People and businesses throw away food all the time. The problem is that the population that is starving does not have a way to get much food, and that is something GMOs can’t help. Lots of GMO’s are found in farming produce and crops, such as corn, tomatoes, and cotton. They are used to help the crops defend against insects and diseases. Some soybeans have been genetically modified to be herbicide tolerant, which allows farmers to use a wider variety of herbicides. Another example of a …show more content…

“Aunt Jemima” (owned by Quaker Oats) uses GMO corn in their HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup.) this product is in “Aunt Jemima's Syrup.” Another company that uses GMO’s (GMO corn) in high fructose corn syrup is Coca-Cola. Their company headquarters is in Atlanta Georgia, USA. The product with gmos that they put on the shelf is “Coca-Cola.” Campbell uses Genetically modified soybeans canola and corn. Their company headquarters is located in Camden New Jersey, USA. The products that use GMOs are their soups (ex.”Campbell's Chicken Noodle

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