Freshman Seminar Course Essay

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The Purpose of Freshman Seminar course is to prepare incoming freshman for the next four years they are going to spend in college by offering tips on and how to succeed in your four years. I set goals for myself a long time ago. At this point in my life I believe that I should be fulfilling my goals I set. When I was young and naïve I made some bad decision and for that I have to take the long and hard route to success instead of taking the easy short route like I planned. The reason why success is so important to me is because I want to succeed in life more than anything and become something in life so bad and not be a loser with no life. In the beginning attending my freshman seminar course I honestly thought I was wasting my time attending …show more content…

It seemed pointless. The more I attended the Freshman Seminar Course the less pointless the class became to me succeeding. One of my major flaws would be organization. I feel as though I am not very organized, and my school assignments usually suffer. I learned about a monthly calendar in my freshman seminar course. A monthly calendar provides a chronological list of your upcoming quadrant I and II commitments, appointments, and assignment. I also learned about Victim Mindset and Creator Mindset. A Victim Mindset response to a problem would be Blaming, Complaining, Excusing, and Repeating behavior. A Creator Mindset Seeking solutions, Taking action, trying something new. When you have the Victim mindset you seldom achieve goals, but when you use creator mindset you achieve goals often. While reading about and practicing Creator language, I learned that I really don’t use victim language when it comes to school because I know it’s completely on me if I do go or bad. When I use creator language I always say that I’ll do this and do that, but I never follow through all the time. An example would be how am somewhat not organized when it

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