French Revolution Research Paper

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In my previous blogs, I came to a conclusion that remain indecisive as I have one point on why the Illuminati can still exist (my second blog) and one against (my third blog). In this blog, I will be investigating the first major event that the Illuminati may have played a hand in, The French Revolution. If they did play a hand, it would prove that the Illuminati did exist during this period in time.

What was the French Revolution?

The French Revolution was a bloody rebellion that lasted from 1789 to 1799. During that period in time, the French people rebelled against the royal monarchy, demanding changes to the political system.

In the end, at least 40000 people were killed, including the king and queen at the time, and over 300000 were …show more content…

On his journey, however, the carrier was stuck by lightning, and died. When officials came to investigate, they discovered the book he was carrying, which detailed the plans for the French Revolution. As a result, a warning was issued to the French monarchy of a devilish plan by the Illuminati, to take over the country and develop a science state, ruled by the people and where there is no religion. It is speculated that the monarchs ignored this warning, thus ultimately paid the …show more content…

Firstly, the Illuminati created resentment within the French commoners towards the upper class. The Illuminati then preached of ideals, such as equality, that were uncommon during that time period. The commoners bought into this. The Illuminati then organized rebellions to take over certain French fortresses, to seize power from the upper class. The rest is believed to be history, as rioters would go on to kill the king and queen, uprooting the French monarchy, only to have it replaced by a dictatorship, when Napoleon, the greatest conqueror to have ever lived, became

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