Frederick Jackson Turner Frontier Thesis Summary

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Frederick Jackson Turner was born on November 14, 1861, in Portage, Wisconsin, a very rural town with very diverse sets of European immigrants. His mother was a school teacher while his father was a newspaper journalist. Turner’s interest in history came at a very young age as his father was interested in his local history. Turner went on to study at the University of Wisconsin where he graduated in 1884 and obtained his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University in 1890, becoming a professional historian. After receiving his Ph.D., Turner became a professor and taught at both University of Wisconsin and Harvard. Turner became most known through his infamous paper “The Significance of the Frontier in American History,” which is also known as “The Frontier Thesis.” Turner’s “Frontier Thesis” first debuted at Chicago’s World Fair in 1893 which was presented in front of a meeting of historians. This paper was in response to …show more content…

Turner again emphasized that the frontier had many problems that were faced by the settlers that lived there. The point that Turner made was that the frontier living forced people to abandon their previous customs and adapt to the new lifestyle, in turn creating a new culture, the “American” culture. In simpler terms, the frontier had created a huge “melting pot”, with immigrants from all over the place working together to survive in the frontier. So in result all the immigrants’ cultures and values intertwined to create a new type of culture. In his thesis, Turner also pointed out how the frontier had led to America’s advancement as a nation. In his paper, Turner expressed that the internal movements that were made (railroads, canals, roads) were directly related to America’s want of moving westward. Turner than goes into more detail by explaining six major stages of development along the frontier all the way back from the colonial era to

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