François Viéte Research Paper

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François Viète, also known as the “Father of Modern Algebraic Notation”, was born in 1540 in Fontenay-le-Comte, France. Viète attended school locally during his childhood, but decided to move to the city of Poitiers later on to further his education. Although François is considered the ninth greatest mathematician of all time, his main profession was not studying mathematics. He attended the University of Poitiers and, following in his father’s footsteps, studied law. Despite this fact, Viète is noted to have spent much of his spare time studying astronomy and mathematics because these subjects greatly interested him. In 1560, he graduated with a law degree and became a full-time lawyer. After only four years of working as a professional lawyer, …show more content…

During his time as a counsellor, Viète was well known for his ability to decipher codes in the French war against Spain. Another notable milestone for François came in 1593, when he solved a problem proposed by Andriaan Van Roomen. Roomen, a Flemish mathematician, put forth a challenge to “mathematicians all over the world” to solve an equation consisting of a 45th degree. Viète was the first mathematician to figure out the solution to the problem by realizing that there was a fundamental trigonometric function in the equation. Roomen was very fascinated by François’ response, and the two became close friends. In the following years, the two mathematicians worked together and solved/published numerous mathematical …show more content…

In his book Supplementum Geometriae, Viète introduced solutions to figure out the trisection of an angle and the duplication of a cube solely by using instruments such as a ruler or compass. The findings in this book are based off of the teachings he lectured about early on in his career. François is also credited to being the first person to calculate pi (π) to ten places successfully. He did this by using the method of Archimedes: using a polygon with 393216 sides, and the equation 6 x 216. Viète also was the earliest mathematician to identify pi as an infinite product in 1579. The method he used to configure this was by calculating the area of multiple polygons that can be inscribed in a circle with a diameter of 1. One final contribution to algebra Viète is responsible for is presenting various methods to solve equations consisting of the second, third, and fourth

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