Foster Care And Homelessness Essay

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Based off the attention from modern media, youth homelessness has been on an unfortunate upslope in the United States within the past decade. Various factors tie into why this issue is becoming more prominent such as low income households being unable to afford children, LGBT youth rejection, and domestic abuse leading to children leaving home. Now, vagrancy has a severely negative impact on the development of young people as it inhibits them from developing academically, socially, and mentally and can also expose them to diseases and potentially various types of abuse, such as sexual and substance abuse. This is an issue that should be addressed, for the rising generations are America’s future, and so investing in the overall well-being of the …show more content…

So this leads me to ask if the foster care system is effective and if so, why are children slipping through its cracks? Also, what is currently being done or available for homeless youth that are not in the program? As of right now, I know of a few potential solutions for youth homelessness; I believe continuing with the foster care system and improving the infrastructure of the system and its reputation to the community would be a right way to go. If the adults who come out of the program were successful individuals in the eyes of society, that would greatly help to remove the bad reputation that foster care possesses, and children wouldn’t be so fearful of being there. As far as prevention goes, working on spreading the message of Planned Parenthood and, with it, birth control could help because if a couple is not financially stable or just not ready to have a kid in general, then having knowledge on how to avoid or abort one would help in the long run. If an unprepared person does not have a kid in the first place, then there is a 0% chance of the child ending up

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