Force Awakens Synthesis Essay

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“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.” This famous phrase opens all of the movies in the Star Wars franchise and most spin-offs. This phrase has been ingrained in the culture of Western civilization and the minds of the people who inhabit the Western world. When the seventh mainstream movie in the Star Wars franchise was announced, The Force Awakens, it already had a great foundation to support it, but a the creation of a poster was inevitable. The ad stays true to its roots, mimicking poster of prior movies, and, despite the movie being a guaranteed profit due to it being Star Wars, the ad was effective and certainly convinced many people to watch the movie. The ad’s use of bombastic colors, brand recognition, and implied care for the brand was an effective way to convince many people to watch The Force Awakens. The ad for The Force Awakens effectively utilizes extravagant colors to capture the attention of the audience. Contrasting the mundane grays and blacks, the vibrant …show more content…

The poster is very similar to posters of prior films of the series, showing that the makers of the poster cared enough to mimic previous posters. The inclusion of characters and icons, such as Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon, serves as a way for the ad to convey a feeling of nostalgia, but it also, by not giving these icons the main spotlight, shows that the filmmakers care more about making a good film instead of basing the movie off of brand recognition alone. By giving the younger cast members the main focus instead of the fan favorites, the ad suggests to the audience that great care was put into the film and wasn’t just created to profit solely off of the fact it is Star Wars. This implied care was an effective way of convincing many people to watch The Force

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