Food Digestive System Essay

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In order to use the food we eat our body has to break the food down into the smaller molecules that can process, it also has to excrete waste. The process begins in the mouth. It first begins with your mouth and your salivary glands. Just at the sight of the food your mouth begins to develop saliva, which will be used to moisten and lubricate the food as you are chewing your food. This is called the motility and mechanical processing. Once the food has been chewed its broken down by the chemical action of the salivary enzymes. You have smooth muscles and the movements of the smooth muscles help your food make its way into the esophagus. The digestive tube is mainly lined with four layers. There are smooth muscles called sphincters that are between the junctions of the GI tract. These sphincters are what help the food pass through the digestive system and then they relax in order to deposit the food into the stomach. The main function of the digestive system is to break down food …show more content…

A good portion of the microbes in the large intestine helps the process along with the digestion process. The large intestine is called the cecum. The cecum, which connects to the colon, is divided into four pieces. The ascending colon, the transverse colon, descending colon and the sigmoid colon all four colons form an inverted u-shape. After you eat your nervous system will send signals to the large portions of the ascending colon and transverse colon to contract in order to make moves into the colon to have space for the incoming food. Feces is formed in the large intestine and is made up of the remaining water, undigested and unabsorbed material and any bacteria that is left over after the cells in the lining of the colon transport sodium in and out and the ion concentration falls and water moves out by osmosis and returns to the blood

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