Digestive System Vs Circulatory System

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Haven't you ever wondered what would happen if you didn't have a digestive or circulatory system? Well, basically you wouldn't be able to be reading this or even be alive. While there are many important systems in the body, the circulatory and digestive are the two most important. There are many ways that they are similar, different, and how they work together.
The biggest similarity between the digestive and circulatory systems is that they both both transport something from place to place. Also they have to include blood somewhere in their processes they do, because any organ system needs the blood, for vital nutrients to help. Digestion is always happening and so is circulating blood throughout your body. Both the two systems need the blood and nutrients …show more content…

As the digestive system breaks down your food, after it's broken down it turns into energy. Your circulatory system takes some the produced energy and transports it around the body, delivering it and other blood, nutrients, oxygen, and more compounds to every cell in your body. The digestive depends on the circulatory as much as it does vice versa because they need the blood, nutrients, and energy (broken down food) that was produced from both systems. Many digestive organs need to use about 30% of cardiac output. Both the digestive and circulatory systems get rid of unwanted or unneeded materials (waste) and feces (poop). The vial substances are absorbed by the small intestine, where it is put into the bloodstream, so it can be circulated around the body. The most important thing is that with no nutrients and circulation, there's no life.
As you have read this essay you have become almost an expert. Now, you know the similarities, differences, and how the circulatory and digestive systems work together. They are very important considering you couldn't live without the digestive to digest food and the circulatory to circulate blood for your

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