Followership Style Assignment

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Followership Style Test Assignment Marissa M. McCann University of Iowa According to the followership style test I scored a three. This means I am a mixture of autocratic and democratic. If I had to guess without taking the test, this is what I would of guessed myself as to be. I thought this fit me well, because I am one who does not like to take the lead on things, but I also do not need supervision 24/7. According to the survey in Grossman and Valiga (2017) being a democratic person means you are a very independent person, and can start a task without being told to do so. I would like to see myself shift more towards the moderately participative category according to the survey. This would require myself to be somewhat more independent. My area of strength is that I am able to figure something out and go with it once I am pointed in the right direction. The leader is usually responsible for assigning tasks to the follower. Once that task is assigned, an exemplary follower should be able to complete the task. I believe that I am able to use my critical thinking skills and creativity to complete a task I am …show more content…

One of the characteristics they mentioned is to be involved and speak up when needed. This is where I could have the greatest opportunity for improvement. I am able to become involved, however, I am not that great at speaking up. They also state, “feel free to criticize because thoughtful feedback helps a leader make good decisions” (Grossman & Valiga, 2017, p. 97). I am not good at criticizing because I frequently think, what if they take it the wrong way and become angry? In order for a leader to make good decisions, they are going to need to receive feedback from someone at some point. I do not believe that the leader is always going to be right. I enjoy hearing feedback from others, so I have to learn to give feedback

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