Flight And Rockets Personal Statement

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I want to learn about flight and rockets, so that I can continue another passion of mine to build a rockets and engineering projects that are able to fly. I am in the International Baccalaureate program, which I have partaken for 4 years. This is a program which is a school, that teaches on a more rigorous level, for the summer before 10th grade we have to do a research project about anything, and have to create something through the research. I chose to investigate and build a drone that flies. I learned how to code in the language of C++, and how to create a design and build the drone. After this project, I have skills in engineering, which will help me excel in this program. This also shows that if I feel strongly for something, I will definitely …show more content…

I was the captain of my robotics team for 5 years in the tournament called FLL. Through the five years my team has progressed pass the regional tournament against 8+ teams every year winning at least 2 awards at regionals. We have gone to the James Madison University competition and won 3 awards at that tournament against many teams from all other states. We did not have the chance to advance to worlds tournament, because we aged out of the tournament, but now I am in my school team in the next level of robotics hoping to use my past experience to do even better. In group projects at school as well, I like to become a leader, so that I can take control, but through my taking control I am able to let people who are quiet or shy a chance to talk and give ideas. I do not let my leadership quality to get ahead of me, so I let others take control, if they want to and I do not want to split apart a team. I think of myself as an inquirer, because I like to ask questions to better understand the problem or task. This way I am able to complete the task to the best of my ability. I love speaking. I like talk aloud, to be able to vocalize my opinions and thoughts is an important skill to

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