Flexible Leader

617 Words2 Pages

People are ranked, profiled, and judged every second in every place of the world. They’re being looked at for jobs, for sports, for being the analyzer. People will be asked, ‘What makes you a leader?’ Set answers will be rehearsed and will flow. Answers that are made up on the spot will spill out. Then choice people will be given jobs and, for some, they will be high ranking and they will have to make the big decisions. But if they make one decision after another, not looking at it as closely as they were looked at when they were chosen for the job, a monotonous strand will be cast and eventually will be caught before it spreads throughout minds. The ones who are able to analyze each decision, deciding what will be good and fair and if it will do more good than bad; those are the ones that are searched for, because without them there wouldn’t be such an eccentric world. Flexible leaders are needed throughout the world because, without them, chaos would ensue in varying degrees.
The world would become a singular, static uniform of people. There are countless stories, conspiracies, ...

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