Flat Tax Thesis

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There are fewer farmers than ever, only two percent of the people in united states are farmers. As the average age of the farmer is fifty eight years old. These fact are something every ffa member can rattling off but, what if I could talk to you about something else. That average farmer isn’t just aging but also struggling. The real reality that the farmers and ranchers are being hurt by the modern day economy. It seems like our industry has left us behind as an industry when you look at the numbers. To better understand this in the nineteen seventy five the price per bushel average was two dollars and sixty five cents as today it is three dollars and thirty eight cents. In forty two years the price of corn went up seventy three cents. …show more content…

But what can we do to end the suffering of farmer and ranchers? I think it's time for the people in washington to listen to a group that has been ignored. The people who feed the nation and they are the small town farmers and ranchers. So there is something that all agriculture personal can get behind it's called a flat tax. It's a tax system that can release the potential of modern farmers. A flat tax will be beneficial to agriculture economy where there are several taxes brackets developing into a single bracket of ten percent of all personal income this includes wages, salary, interest, dividend, capital gains, and business income. In simple terms you make twenty dollars you pay two dollars and if you make a hundred thousand dollars and you pay ten thousand dollars it's that …show more content…

The improvement of flat tax we will see an immediate benefits in agriculture. That will increase into jobs and labors. Where some people will believe it won't work. Federal Income to the tax income now compare to the flat tax is too drastic. They feel that government jobs, social program, and health care would suffer as the result in the decrease in the federal income taxes. To the extent these critics are right when you look at the statics with the government spent course it is currently on. It easy to feel that a lack of federal income would have a negative effect on the american

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