Flat Organizational Structure Analysis

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Flat organizational structure is arguably best suited to respond to complex and turbulent environments facing organizations today (Burns & Stalker, 1994). This bold statement came from observation by these two researchers who in the 1950s spent time in a British manufacturing firm. This firm particularly adopted novel approaches to management and production, giving only title to managing director but entirely avoided defining roles and functions for its overall employees. Ongoing modification of goals and procedures through weekly team meetings are done to assess emergent situations and tackle problems that rise at the moment. Regular weekly meetings at this firm resulted in participative act by its employees to solve problems and collaborate at the discussion. Hence, problems are solved by collective effort instead of one’s authority. Burns and Stalker concluded that there are two ideal organizational types. First type is the traditional mechanistic bureaucracy and the second is the alternative types which are more responsive to environment and less hierarchical. They named this second types organic structure. They also added, mechanistic organization and organic organization is needed at different kind of environment. Mechanistic bureaucracy is more fit in stable environment but on the opposite site, organic organization is more suited to environments which are turbulent and full of changes.
In addition to Worthy’s argument (1950), Burns and Stalker (1994) underlying a new organizational structure and management methodology which can be considered as groundbreaking and different than the common practices at organization which emphasized on routinization, specialization and conformity. These researchers believed and suggested th...

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...tion to face increasing fragmentation among the workforce. The other important critic that worth to look out for is the one that Alvesson (1995) had pointed out on the issue of sustainability of flat organizations. Alvesson argued that flat organizations are not sustainable over the long term as size and specialized functions emerge.
Growth of an organization tends to bends flat structure that had previously implemented within the organization into more bureaucratic structure if roles are differentiated and roles are specialized (Astley, 1985). Flat organizations is generally possible only in smaller organizations or individual units within larger organizations. As organizations grows and reach critical size, organization can retain a streamlined structure but often times cannot keep a completely flat structure as they were before without impacting productivity.

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