Five Factor Typology Of Disengagement Theory

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Relationships are part of life and quite often come to an end. At some point in life, people experience heartache when they separate from their loved ones. There is a plethora of reasons as to why relationships end. Many theories have been developed to try to explain why people decide to disengage relationships and leave others hurt and dissatisfied. According to Cody (1982), “in social exchange theory, a relationship can be terminated by higher costs compared to the benefit from the relationship”. When one party feels they are investing more in a relationship for a return that does not meet their desires, ending the relationship is always an option (Cook, Cheshire, Rice, & Nakagawa, 2013). Unequal contribution in relationship is often the …show more content…

The positive tone disengagement strategy is used to massage the ego of the other party by taking all the blame for things not working in a relationship. It only works to end the relationship in a friendly manner without entirely hurting the feelings of the other (Silberschatz, 2013). One of the ways can be through the utilization of the positive tone formula which can be in the form of “I still you but.” In this case, an explanation should be offered in the case to complement the statement (Ahlberg, Nilson, & Walsh, 1967). Verbal De-Escalation. The second strategy can be through the use of the verbal de-escalation mechanism, which can only be said to be hitting the nail on the head. The individual is clear and concise with the content, without hiding any information, for example; I do not love you anymore. The problem with this style is that in many cases it can create an emotional disconnection on the person who is put under pressure in the …show more content…

Some of the reasons females gave were as follows: “it was an easy way out of the situation”, “I didn’t care about the person enough to tell them directly”, “the relationship was no longer interesting”, and “they didn’t feel they were strong enough to be honest with herself or her mate”. Men on the other hand, indirectly ended the relationship for the following reasons: “I didn’t care enough about the other person’s feelings”, “the other person was too emotionally involved and he didn’t want to hurt her

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