Fitness Test Research Paper

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On the first fitness test, my mile time was 7:14. However, for the second fitness test, I got a time of 7:57 for my mile time. Although this is not a good time for me personally, I do believe that I earned this score. On the sheet of paper we were given, we were asked to write down seven goals that would ready us for the second fitness test. The goals I wrote down were: to stretch, run, make a playlist, eat healthy, get a good night's sleep, drink plenty of water, and to wear proper clothing and shoes. Even with these goals to guide me, I barely prepared for the test. While I did stretch and wear proper clothing, I did not complete the other goals. It could be said that I ran at soccer practice, and while that is true, I was not running for an amount of time that would actually make an impact on my performance. I also did not make a playlist, but I feel that may have helped me because I didn’t have to carry my phone while running. Before the test, I Didn't drink a lot of water either, with the exception of a couple sips from the water fountain throughout the day. Still, I believe I might’ve been dehydrated during the running. I have not been getting much sleep due to homework, and I realize now that I didn’t change my eating habits leading up to the mile. Had I followed the goals I had made, it is almost guaranteed my performance on the test …show more content…

I did complete the soccer practice portion of it, and there were few times I stretched. Overall, however, I did not do most of the work I put on my calendar. This negatively impacted my score because I did not build up any muscle or stamina before the test. I feel that the in class activities were the times where I really put in the work that I should have been doing out of school. I can not really comment on how the class affected my scores, because it was really my own mindset that stopped me, not

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