First In Math Research Paper

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Should First in Math be brought back again for next year students of Baldi Middle School? The math program, First in Math, is heavily used throughout school districts, including the School District of Philadelphia. As the years have gone by, Baldi has dropped other things to keep this program, however with all the hate it gets the question is often asked, why keep this program? With the budget problem as well, in the Philadelphia School District, is it really worth it to keep First in Math in Baldi? To me, I strongly believe it's not worth it, and it should be changed before Baldi make the same mistake next year.
For one reason, I believe that Baldi keeps First in Math, mostly for competition between them and other schools. They believe that if they get a high ranking in the program, it will mean a lot, but truthfully as a student, I see it as a waste of students’ time and the schools …show more content…

To me as a middle school student, it doesn’t make sense, because any person who has used the program knows, that the best way to earn points to match Baldi’s and many other schools’ goals is by performing games that uses simple skills students have perfected long ago. For example, students are able to gain more than five thousand stickers doing simple math like adding, answering third and fifth grade questions and also earning more stickers doing games using simple pattern games meant for 1st graders. Some see this as practice of simple skills, but if you mastered a skill such as basic addition, is it really practice, or just useless questions wasting students’ time. For younger students I can see the teachers’ point, but for students of Baldi, First in Math should never be used, because it becomes so useless. Ask yourself this, practice makes perfect, however, does practicing something you're perfect at really help you

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