Financial Markets: The Meltdown Of A Financial Market

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Background of the study
Financial markets maybe said to be a collection of buyers and sellers of financial instruments which include but not limited to equities, bonds, commodities currencies and derivatives. They are typical characterized by existence of forthright pricing based on market forces, basic rules and regulations restricting participation based on certain laid out criteria like amount of money held, geographical location and even profession of the participant.
These financial markets are located in almost all countries of the world. The distinguishing factors being the size and complexities of the financial markets located in different countries. The NYSE for example could transact trillions of dollars a day while infant stage RSE may move very low volume transactions values in a day: $70,000 (RSE report 12.05.2014).
Information transparency is Key in fostering investor confidence in any financial market. It helps build an efficient financial market where prices of securities are driven by market forces. This also helps curb on market manipulations, insider dealings and fraudulent transactions.
There have been many arguments advanced as rationales for development of financial markets. Good financial markets offer alternative sources of domestic debt finance. This is so because over-dependence on bank lending for financing exposes a financial system to risks in case of a meltdown of the banking system. This can be addressed by having an efficient domestic capital market (bond market), that would offer an alternative if banks cannot offer credit lines.
Developed financial markets also help to reduce the cost of capital. This is true as individuals would incur greater financing costs through banks loans as op...

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...rt also projects the figure to rise to just over 30% by 2030 and further to nearly 40% by 2050. This rise can be attributed to greater local and foreign investments to fund large scale infrastructure projects and the narrowing gap between EMs and DMs (OICV-IOSCO, 2011)
The world stock markets have also been on an up-surge after the weathering of the storm of the financial crisis. Whereas the DMs stock markets are still in state of recovery, the EMs stock markets speed of development has been unprecedented leading to in structures of this exchanges as well as capital flows from DMs as investors are no longer restricted by national boundaries. (IMF W.P 08/32)


Talk about the average maturity profile for all domestic bonds, now stands at 5yrs some months

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