Fighting The Fast Food Habit: Can America Downsize?

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One of the leading factors to obesity is everyone's eating habits. The world continues to move at a faster pace forcing everyone to lack the availability to sit down and enjoy a healthy homemade meal. It becomes more difficult every day to get into the habit of eating good when we are so use to our normal bad eating habits. Our eating habits are start when we are young. Many of the factors lead into the onset of poor eating habits are sports, busy parents, after school activities, or a job. In an article called “Big Men on CAMPUS,” it talks about the amount of food some football players are encouraged to eat. The main point this article raises is for those who don’t make it or those who do make it but don’t play in the big leagues …show more content…

We hear it all the time, regarding how fast food is bad for our health, and yet we continue eating it. Life doesn’t slow down and sometimes it is just much easier and better for you timewise to just go through the drive through. In the article “Fighting the Fast Food Habit: Can America Downsize?” it basically says that even though most of the fast food chains and food suppliers are trying to decrease the unhealthy options on their menus, it is too late for it because of our eating habits. We want the unhealthy food. Companies are going to market to what the consumer wants. That’s how they make their profits. To sum it all up, companies are food options it a little healthier, but not for us, they only do as much that is needed for people to keep buying it and still feel like they are eating a little healthier. (Garcia 94) Just because a company says they are making changes doesn’t mean you’re eating healthy. It simply means they are making the food and drinks people are consuming a little healthier, however, it still shouldn’t be considered healthy. They do what they have to do to make money. All in all, you should consider eating less fast food and work toward adopting some good eating

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