Fight Me Britany: A Short Story

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There was three girls they are best friends and They hung out every weekend. And at school they would wait at eachother locker then they would walk to class together and they hate all classes together. Except 2nd and 4th. They became best friend 5 years ago so in 2nd grade they became friends.They just started 7th grade. They started school in August and now it's September. They were at each other's locker on September 4th 2018, and they were talking about gossip that came around. And it was about Kaitlyn and also Avery. And Brittany made it sound like it was bad so kaitlyn got mad and she ran off and she said “Fight me Britany” so it's after school around 3:30 and they are outside and every one is circled up around Brittany and Kaitlyn.They

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