1. What Goals Are You Actively Working Toward?

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Beginning your Memoirs- Using the handout #52 Stories - select 10 questions that you find interesting AND can write a full 6 sentences about. Once you have done that - highlight them or underline them - and then type out the questions and begin to write responses here. #1 What goals are you actively working towards? I’m actively working towards graduating high school, by doing well and not getting into any trouble. I am also working towards joining the army when im 18. I also hope to continue schooling by attending college through the army. I'm going to try really hard to become active and in shape so I can get into the army no problem. #2 Who was your first best friend? I had my first best friend in fifth grade. Her name was Emily Miesner, we are still really good friends to this day. We became best friends because she put her number in my year book. I called her everyday in the summer to see if we could hangout but she was at the pool. But I called one day and she ended up being home. I came over and we ate pizza and hang out I ended up spending the night. …show more content…

I admire when friends are honest. When friends tell you the truth for everything it means they are a good friend. They are also a really good friend if they stick through the rough times and hardships. #4 How many different homes or apartments have you lived in throughout your life? I have lived in two houses and one apartment from the time I can remember. I first lived in Butler street apartments and went to parkside. Then I moved to a house on johnson and still went to Parkside. Now I live on eleventh in Fond du lac. #5 What do you love most about where you live now? What I love most about where I live now would have to be how it is so close to my boyfriends house. Neither of us have cars and have to walk quite frequently so the short distance is nice. #6 What destinations are on your vacation wish

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