Fidget Spinners Should Be Banned

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Fidget spinners are a good idea for kids to use at school. I do get why kids should not have spinners, they get distracted but if anything they help people focus more. Fidget spinners help with anger issues and even anxiety. Schools should allow students to have them cause they are quiet and they don't stop others from learning.

Schools should not take fidget spinners away when people that have issues for focusing or anxiety need them. From the article chicago tribune it says, “they could help anyone, she said an outright ban could be counterproductive to kids who need them”. In school students may have issues and might need the spinners. They should not take fidget spinners away when all they're doing is helping many students focus and getting their work done. When you sit at a desk for a long period of time you can't just sit still but if you have a fidget spinner in your hand you can focus and get your work done and not get in trouble for being distracted. …show more content…

Many kids have cell phones and laptops, etc. Kids are always on electronics and never thinking of giving them up or just taking a break but kids now could use the spinners other than being antisocial and never talking to anyone. According the article should fidget spinners be allowed at school (chicago tribune) the text states “They bring kids together, Nearly every student has one, because they are inexpensive”. Phones and laptops are nearly 300 dollars or more, it depends on the spinner you get but they are about 7 dollars or less. Many teachers say they don't want electronics at school, but no there saying spinners should not either but they are fairly

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