Feminist Activism

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I am constantly on the fence about feminism. I used to identify very strongly as a feminist, until I learned about activism. I decided to stop identifying as a feminist until I had some activism under my belt. But now I don’t know anymore.

Disregarding the stigma behind the term, feminism generally refers to the civil movement involving equal rights for women as men under the law, as well as recognition of women in spaces not traditionally dominated by women. Since its inception in the 70s (1870s), feminism, to my knowledge, has expanded to include issues such as racial discrimination and even men’s social justice.

However, is institutionalized feminism really a man’s place? Given, it is in the duty of all persons to strive for equality regardless of gender, but are there actually any feminist organizations fighting for men’s social issues? Simple googling “feminist organizations” brings up such organizations as the FMF and NOW… neither of which have ‘elimination of stigma towards feminine qualities in men’ on the docket. …show more content…

Generally, women are treated worse in comparison to men institutionally (or so I have been led to believe). Thanks to a study by Yale, we now know that Yale professors would pay a man more than a woman with the same credentials. The media is also always applying a gross double standard to women (Miley Cyrus vs. Nick Jonas). Is there a term for a feminist that is primarily socio-economically focused and includes nonbinary genders and sexualities? Or are there perhaps organizations that are entirely education-based and focus only on social

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