Fast food obesity

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Obesity has overcome America. It has become a major problem not only for adults, but also for children. Children look to their parents to be good examples. Without parents that participate in an active life style children find themselves falling into the same sedentary life style of many American families. Because of this reoccurring problem obesity in America has increased significantly since the 1970s. This can be related to the rise of the fast food industries. Fast food industries are convenient to families that need inexpensive, easy to access food. Fast food restaurants not only target these needy families, but also children, an example of this would be the happy meal toys that McDonalds sells. Children are expose to hundreds of ads promoting fast food every day. In America obesity has nearly increase fivefold since 1970 and will most likely continue to rise; The Fast food industry is a leading cause for obesity in America, causing to depression, low self-esteem, and negative body image.
Fast Food industries are taking advantage of families and children who don’t know the dang...

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