Fantasy In Greek Mythology

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Mythology is naturally evolved products but fantasy is an intelligent design mythis grow when people narrate the stories for long periods of time. These stories are deeply rooted with the events of historical and adopting the culture around them. Fantasy is a story that one person comes up with its entirety and them it finds a public life through mass publication myths often inspire fresh fantasies and on the other hand may fantasies also grow myths in the future. Mythology has at least three things they are connection to a particular culture, a shared world and a deeper meaning. Fantasy on the other hand is not directly a part of ‘real’ world. They may or may not be connected with other stories, they may have or not the deeper meaning,
Some interpreters analyze myth stories on the basis of psychology, some analyze them historical and social background of their time. Grave’s interpretation in his books ‘The while goddess and The Greek Mythsadds’ to the historical and social also that of seasonal because it expressed worship of nature and natural forces. (1). Many of modern fantasy writers use the ideas from ancient mythology. Fantasy is one person’s created or written of a supernatural occurrence anthropologists consider the stories of our culture’s mythology. Many people do not believe the garden of Eden but still contains many important truths about the nature of God, humanity and reality (2). Myths spring from shared language culture and environment. So, we can find myths elements used by modern fantasy writers, about some other trickster figures. But myth has at least a metaphysical reality and approach and on other side it should be real in the culture the place where it started. Mythology is powerful we should respect other cultures and different world views because the views are the products of their experiences. Fantasy is a type of imaginative thinking which is totally controlled by the thinker’s wish or feelings. Fantasy is a form of dreaming, many regard it day dreaming as the form of fantasy and dreaming at the time of sleeping also treated as fantasy. From the practical point of view fantasy helps a frustrated person to depict himself as achieving his goals. (3). Myths often merge with legends, tales etc., Myhs cannot be say as untrue. They abid the belief of any other reality. But fantasy is unreal or fairy stories. A post modern fantasy differs from modern fantasy in the words between ‘real world and un real world’. In these two words the second one is purely fantasy or mindscape. There are all just the basic differences. Because there are common myth ideas which shared by tales

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