Fanny Was Coaxing Analysis

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How society Numbs Us of The Truth With Happiness From their bottles the people of the World state have conditioned the way their citizens to live as they were demanded to. From their classes to their social interactions, mannerisms, and their everyday routines. Lenina is a prime example of someone who has been extremely influenced by her surroundings, bringing to light theme of the incompatibility of happiness and the truth. The people in our lives are a significant part of shaping our lives since there are no parents in the World State the other kinds of people such as friends and acquaintances are the only kinds of people influence Lenina. So far the only person who is her friend that influences her is Fanny, yet she doesn't provide much insight other than discussing gossip and just warning her about going with the same person one too many times. As interpreted from their discussion in the locker the locker room. “And after all,” Fanny’s tone was coaxing, “it’s not as though there were anything painful or disagreeable about having one or two men besides Henry. And seeing that you ought to be a little more promiscuous.” (Huxley 42). Their conversations are very typical and serve no When Lenina goes to the Indian reservation with Bernard she experiences seeing the native's ritual to which she finds it terrifying and cruel. "Lenina was still sobbing. “Too awful, she kept repeating, and all Bernard's consolations were in vain. "Too awful! That blood! "She shuddered. “Oh, I wish I had my soma. “(Huxley 116) Lenina has never seen or experienced anything quite like the ritual until she came to the village. She is conflicted with such negative emotion, such as fear, sadness and pain that she doesn't understand and wishes it to end, crying for soma in hopes it will stop these feelings, and make her blessedly numb to the horrors of the

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