Failure Of Georgia Colony Essay

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The Failure of the Georgia Colony The start of the Georgia colony was an attempt of the king to enhance the wealth of the homeland. King George II of England, approved a charter in 1732 that established the Georgia colony with control and authority entrusted to twenty-one trustees. The charter signed by the king was to give England’s worthy poor a new life, enhance the wealth of England by cultivating and producing raw goods to be sent back to England for profit, and to make Georgia a buffer colony to protect South Carolina against the Spanish, Indian enemies, and others that were not allies of the English (Doc D). In 1733, under the command of General James Oglethorpe, roughly one hundred and fourteen settlers landed in the town of Savannah to start the new colony of Georgia (Doc C). This included a few colonists who were not indebted to the trustees and therefore may not have had the loyalty that the nonpayers were inclined to have. Based on the details defined in the Charter of 1732 which were charity, economics, and defense the question is asked was the Georgia colony a success or failure? In my belief, the new colony of Georgia was a failure because the objectives listed in the charter …show more content…

Most of the sources of conflict were placed on land claims. General James Oglethorpe, while in command, made several attempts to seize Spanish territory. Most proved to be unsuccessful because of the use of numerous commanders and varied armed forces which resulted in ineffectiveness spoiling his advantage of surprise (Doc B). Commanders even failed when attempts were made to attack using the combination of land with sea due to the inability to coordinate the two forces (Doc B). Inevitably, despite England’s good defense planning when making Georgia a buffer colony, in the end the constant battle over land with enemies and defiant colonists led to the defensive

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