Fahrenheit 451 Dialectical Journal Essay

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Booooooom! The city is now in ashes. Montag went to find Faber, to make sure the bomb didn’t hit him. He explained who Faber is to Granger and his friend.
“Well, let’s go see is the war is over” said Granger. He ask Montag are you alright about Millie dying during the explosion.
“I don’t have feelings for her anymore since she left me” answered Montag.
They went to see all the buildings, and Montag said “everyone is dead all dead and gone.” They found Faber and Granger explained his planned to them.
“We’re going to print out copies of the books we have remembered over the years that we have stored, and share with the leftover survivors that we have been found.”
Each survivor gets a copy of a book chosen by them that was remembered by the bookkeepers, and will have to memorized it to become fluent readers again. Granger and …show more content…

We teach the good stuff or the stuff you want us to teach the kids.” replied Sarah
When school was back in session. The people started to form groups and teach each other about the books they have remembered before the explosion, so Faber printed them out and handed to the teacher’s so they can teach it to their class. The people finally gained knowledge to where they can go back to school full time over the years.
Montag rationed out the food that they have found in houses that wasn’t destroyed or burned entirely to the ground. Everyone picked a nice place to sleep. Some slept in old abandoned houses, cars, and even on the ground. 3:00 AM they heard engines and thought about the bombardment of the city, but it was true the planes came back for a second round and wipe the rest of the survivor’s off the map. The thought the bombing was over, the president knew there would be citizens to survive the first bombardment so they had to send in a second to be sure. Now the city, in ashes and wood everywhere that it wasn’t supposed to be. Everyone

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