Factors that Shaped the Invention and Development of Television in the UK Up to 1939

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Factors that Shaped the Invention and Development of Television in the UK Up to 1939

In this essay I intend to discuss the factors that shaped the

invention and development of television in the UK up to 1939; these

include the social, cultural, political and scientific factors that

took place as well as the many technological changes. I will then

conclude by determining the most important aspects of its development.

Technological developments


The essence of the television began in the early nineteenth century

with the development of the telephone and the telegraph. These

communication devices can be seen as a more technical version to the

way Native American Indians communicated via their smoke signal

technique. The early telegraphs were large outdoor mechanical

structures that proved to be very expensive to produce. During the

1840’s there came a great discovery and this was of electromagnetism,

electric current was found to be of great use within wiring. It was

this discovery that inevitably led to the development of the ‘electric

telegraph’. The electric telegraph was a transmitter of messages and

signals through electric wiring and was transmitted via connections

throughout the world. One of its earliest forms of communication was

with the use of Morse code and this was greatly used within the

railway system; before this invention the railways found it difficult

to co-ordinate the transport thus creating many accidents on the rail


The telegraph and the telephone were then developed further

between 1842 and 1862 with the use of photography and this culmination

became ‘tel...

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...hat was an integral part of the

development of the television. Social and technological aspects have

been intertwined for a long period of our history and history is

always being re-thought as is technology.


Briggs (1995): ‘The Birth of Broadcasting’. Oxford University Press.

Cardiff, David & Scannell, P. (1991): ‘A Social History of British


Oxford Press, Basil Blackwell Ltd.

Chant, C. (1989): ‘Science, Technology and Everyday Life 1870-1950’.


Sinclair, I., Wilmslow & Cheshire (1995): ‘Birth of the Box-The Story

of Television’.

Sigma Press.

Winston, Brian (1998): ‘Media, Technology and Society’. Oxford Press.

Wyver, J. (1989): ‘The Moving Image: An International History of Film,


and Video’. Oxford Press, Basil Blackwell Ltd.

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