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The advantages and disadvantages of class size
Can class size influence student performance
The advantages and disadvantages of class size
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Recommended: The advantages and disadvantages of class size
Continuous education improvement is a heated topic both in academic circles and for public concerns. The academic achievements are influenced by many aspects, such as pupil-teacher ratio, disciplines, teaching input, family education, individual efforts, classmates and other off-campus conditions. Above all these factors, many people believe that adjusting class size is the simplest way for developing education. However, class size is one of the important factors in determining successful academic achievement rather than the most crucial one. This essay will both discuss class-size reduction and other factors that affect the education progress, and then suggest the multi-influence of all possible elements determine the academic achievements.
Class size benefits the primary phase but shows no significant contribution to the academic performance in the long run. Eric Hanushek of Stanford University’ Hoover Institution agrees that low pupil-teacher ratio may bring initial advantages to students. But in the same time, he argues that there exist lacks of data proving persistence in gai...
But the truth is that smaller classes and better teachers do improve student achievement. Members of our government claim that giving more money to schools will not make a difference, but the government funding for schools needs to be used effectively to see a change in student performance. (Connell)
It is about that time for families to start sending their children to school. The first thing that crosses their mind is “I hope my child gets the best education I can give them.” These parents want their children to excel in their math classes, pass that test in science class, and they want them to be the best they can be. These families want the teacher to give their child the best education that they can offer. So what if the best way that teachers could give the best education to that child was to have a class size reduction? What if the smaller the class, the more that child could achieve? That teacher would be able to focus on any
Endeavor Elementary school has 99 students, 4.5 students for a 22:1 student to teacher ratio for grades 4K through 5th grade. The student to teacher ratio in grade 4K through 3rd grade of 15:1 and in grade 25:1 for grades 4th and 5th grades; these ratios are exactly in line with EBAA. Odden and Picus (2014) state, “Prototypical schools with class sizes of 25 in grades 4-12 and class sizes of 15 for grades K-3 with these class sizes, a K-5 elementary school would have an average class size of 17.3” (p. 84). Hence, the class sizes used at Endeavor Elementary school are adequate as research by Oden and Picus (2014). Endeavor uses a multi-grade level approach by combining grades 5th and 4th, 3rd and 2nd, 1st and Kindergarten; the 4K class is
Class size makes a huge impact on how the student learns. Along with many other things, there is more to the amount of kids in class than most people think. The quality one on one time is affected. Along with that, important questions that the students needs clarity on from the teacher might not be able to be answered because so many other students are in the room asking their own question. Students learn in their own ways. Teachers have to be flexible to how their students learn and in order to do that they need to know their students on a personal level. When class sizes are large, it effects students in negative ways in their learning.
Most people would say that personality and academic performance are closely related to each other. Indeed, it is true but in which ways can someone’s personality influence their academic performance? This essay will discuss the relationship between different types of personality and the correlation to academic performance. The essay will begin with discussing how gender affects academic performance. It will then explain how each of the Big Five personality traits have their own impact on academic performance. The final section will explain the relationship between intelligence (IQ), emotional intelligence (EQ), and personality and its connection to academic success. The essay will discuss that different types of personalities, which vary between
Although everyone would agree that today’s children are the country’s future and education is an investment, the education industry has been short on funds for years. One would assume it would be the government’s top priority, but it is not. Along with stagnant teachers’ salaries and teachers’ furloughs one of the unfortunate outcomes of budget cuts isare larger class sizes. as a result the class should be smaller. When there class sizes that are too big a person has problems that effect students and the teachers and both the student and teacherhave problems. Class sizes may have an effect on Student’s’ success. Large c Class sizes are not fair to students for many reasons. because students and teachers’ come across problems when there are more students than classrooms. In a smaller class teachers’ would be able to do more hands on activities.
When it comes to my schoolwork, I tend to be extremely conscientious, diligent, and ambitious. A few of my academic strengths are my organizational skills and ability to think critically. A weakness that I have is test taking; while taking tests I become nervous, and forget the information. I become upset with myself if I earn a C on a test or in a class. Then I consider what I could have done differently to receive a higher grade and apply it to future assignments. I react this way when it comes to my studies, because my dad used to get upset with us if we received anything below a B in specific subjects. For example, if we got a C in math my dad would say, “You don’t know how to count? I guess I will stop giving you money since you cannot count it.” He would also reward us for being able to count and getting good grades. When I was a little girl, he used to put out money and give us 30 seconds to count it, if we counted
... Class size reduction is another area that would enable our school system to move forward. In a smaller size classroom, educational quality will be improved. Teachers have greater amount of time to build a solid ground for the students to flourish. Though changes need to take place in our current school system, I am thankful to be in a country where my children have the right to be educated.
On one side of town one can find a school, which houses the elementary, junior high and high school mostly within one single building. With only about a two hundred and fifty students from pre-kindergarten through high school seniors, everyone knows just about everyone by name. This size of a school makes for tiny class sizes also, with the largest class only having twenty four students! Some people think that due to the lack of variety the small school offers will not educate well, but it does have some advantages that come along with the disadvantages. Some of the many advantages include, more one-on-one time for students with teachers and everyone makes the sports teams, clubs, and band without a single try out. This makes it easier for a student to branch out and try something new. Along with the advantages of small schools like Goodwell’s come some disadvantages, one of these being the few options for elective classes and extracurricular activities. After many short years of attending this small school in Goodwell, the students can choose to move on to a large secondary school to continue his/her education while expanding the options of classes and extracurricular activities. The small school in Goodwell creates a great learning environment for the students pre-kindergarten through senior high
Education is one of the bases of our lives. This means, it is essential to be well educated nowadays because it leads to many special and good developing opportunities. So, being a good student at school and receiving a good grade going to depend on the three parts. Which are the student him/her-self, the student’s family, and his or her school. However, if any part of these three does not acts as it should be, the level of the education might be frustrated. As we discussed that on chapter one, the family is the first institution for their child, which means they must be careful about their performance as “parents.” Also, the second institution that effect on student and his personality is his or her school or even teachers.
During this semester, I have done various work such as reading and writing. This work includes reading articles from the book and writing essays. Some of the work I did was a challenge at the beginning, but I was able to persist and overcome those barriers. During the time I been in this class, I have learned many important strategies that have helped me improve in various ways. One major method that has improved my academic skills and quality in education has been the use of the Habits of Mind. During this semester I have had many struggles, but having a positive attitude towards the strategies and Habits of Mind has improved my academic intelligence. The knowledge I have learned these past days, have been extremely important that I am planning
Being a successful student and achieving continued academic success is fundamental in order to complete an associate degree and become a successful professional. College is challenging, but it can be a rewarding growth experience and easier when setting up goals. Having educational and career goals helps students keep the focus and motivation. Besides, having knowledge of different learning styles can help students learn about themselves and increase efficiency while studying. Writing skills learned in college are also a powerful tool for both academic and career success. The campus is a great place to find tools to succeed and achieve continued academic success. It is also important to keep academic honesty as a good habit and as a value of integrity throughout college and later on in the professional environment.
There is a variety of social factors that account for the lack in efficient teaching and learning in general. The aim of this essay is to examine factors at school that affect teaching and learning in general. I will discuss factors outside the classroom, as well as those within the classroom and I will provide possible solutions.
Recognizing challenges is important for academic success and beyond, identifying a barrier can help prepare strategies for the future and a better outcome in academics or a certain goal. The purpose of identifying barriers is for me to come up with strategies before it affects me academically. According to Dr. Howard Gardner, a professor at Harvard University, suggests that "all human beings have at least eight different types of intelligence" pg. 60 (Your LSC Experience) are as the following. A verbal/linguistic learner, a logical/ mathematical learner, kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic learner. I myself fall under the intrapersonal or solitary style.
When it comes to evaluating the academic performance and how to improve it, the factors that are analysed in greater or lesser degree they can influence, they are generally considered, inter alia, socio-economic factors, the extent curricula, teaching methodologies used, the difficulty of using a personalized teaching, the previous concepts that the students have as well as the level of formal thought, however, concerns that "you can have a good intellectual capacity and a good skills and however not" be obtaining proper performance ", faced with the choice and with the prospect that the" academic performance is a phenomenon multifactor is as we began its approach. The complexity of the academic performance starts from conceptualization, sometimes it called fitness school, academic achievement or performance school, but usually the differences of concept is explained only by semantic issues, because usually, in the texts. School life and the teaching experience, are used as