Improving Quality of Life: Role of Senior Care Agencies

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This is the season of love, togetherness and giving. In a big way, senior care businesses are the reason why so many families can still enjoy the season. The types of services we provide to our clients, are critical to keeping the family together through trying times. If nothing else, the relief from stress and worry from caring for patients, helps the family to focus on the much more important things. However, we know that most senior care businesses just don’t stop at care, we actively aim to improve the quality of life for our patients. This means improvement in areas such as health, happiness and comfort.

Note: There are many factors that influence someone’s quality of life. These factors are individual specific, and consist of whatever is important to that person.

Here are five ways Senior Care agencies improve quality of life for its customers.

• Promoting Diet and Exercise - A balanced diet and regular exercise has proven to be vital in maintaining good health. With all the …show more content…

No one wants to lay around in filth, neither patient, nor their loved ones. When the patient is in a clean and comfortable environment it boosts their self-esteem. We can also assume loved ones will feel more comfortable spending time with the patient because they are not dirty or smelly. Most importantly cleanliness can help to prevent medical conditions that thrive in unsanitary conditions (ringworms, rashes infections etc.). • Pain Management – Pain can be the cause of a lot of misery for persons with a terminal illness and at the end of their life. Sometimes pain can become so unbearable that a patient would prefer to pass away. Pain management can allow a person to live a comfortable life in their last days. They will be able to spend more time friends and family doing things that they enjoy. Quality

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