Extended Family Essay

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My family is interesting when you look at it. Since my parents are immigrants some aspects of our culture are missing in America. Here we live just like any other nuclear family. It is my parents, myself, and my siblings. However, I am confident that if my family resided in Pakistan, rather than the United States, we would be living in an extended family household. One of my uncles that live in Pakistan stays with my grandparents and another, who used to live in Pakistan, did the same before he moved here. This is same with my mother’s side. My uncle who lives there also lives with his mother and father and I cannot imagine why my father would follow suit. I guess you could say that my father and mother are living neolocally; but in reality …show more content…

My parents decided that when they have kids, it would be best for them to be raised in America opposed to Pakistan. If they decided to remain there, their living situation would definitely be patrilocal. All of my uncle’s wives have moved their husbands homes to live in an extended family household. The only exception is that my aunt on my father’s side stays with my uncle because her husband is in America a frequent amount of the time. I have already discussed it with my parents and when I get married we will most likely become an extended family household. This is only if they decide not to move back to Pakistan, but that is a decision they don’t have to make for a while. When I do get married it will be interesting to say the least. Coming from Pakistan, my parents will want me to continue the practice of endogamy. I will have to marry a Pakistani, Muslim girl, preferably one who comes from the Punjab region in Pakistan. I am completely fine with that, which can shock some people. I would like have the women I spend the rest of my life with to be familiar with my culture, language, and religion. This women will …show more content…

I am required to perform the ritual salat, or namaz, five times a day. However, there are times where I don’t do this for up to two weeks. I am trying to fix this by being more responsible but it gets tough with all the distractions in the world, such as school, friends, and leisure activities. Not to say that I don’t think those shouldn’t be in my life, I just know for a fact that I could, in addition with those things, easily pray five times a day. Actually, now that I think about it, if I made a graph with how often I pray, school and prayer amount would be directly correlated. It makes me very sad to think about it but I turn to Islam whenever there’s a big test or assignment. Now obviously I’m not the only person to experience this but it still makes me disappointed in myself. Now since Islam is polytheistic, that means there is only one God that all Muslims love and worship. After each prayer to God, I usually do something called a dua. This is when I bring my hands together to almost form a bowl, and I politely request Allah (swt) to help me with my life. Although most Muslims perform this after prayer, it can really be performed at any time. I usually perform this before exams or when something is causing me fear (Usually the former causes the latter). The dua is essentially a ritual by itself and I guess it could be interpreted as a type of magic. However, usually I don’t need something magical to occur to help

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